Diamond rewards
diamonds and get rewards!
How many Diamond rewards and how fast you will get depends on your game performance. Simply speaking the more tasks you accomplish or the more actions you perform the more rewards you will get. Those who visit the game and do nothing specific will be limited in their rewards.
Obtain diamonds in Daily Quests, Chest Shop, Urfin's Invasion, Tournament and Guild Arena.
Diamond rewards availability is limited to one season. Every season which is one calendar month starts with zero progress.
Every season consists of three rounds. Each round concludes with a powerful reward card. In order to proceed to the next round one must receive all the rewards of the current round.
Besides that, for modest fee of
1250 gold you will be granted an access to VIP rewards. These rewards are special magic items designed to make your gameplay more dynamic, diverse and generally more fun.
!!! A mage can not possess more than one unique magic item. It is necessary to use a previously obtained magic item to get the same one. That is with the exception of magic items received during a special offer as a present for gold purchase – those will be received even if you already have the same magic items.
Full description of all Diamond rewards can be found
Another notable advantage of VIP access is special cool look of the reward card (power is the same).
We would like to bring to your attention the power of the reward card!
Reward card is more powerful than the 9th card in your combat deck. Its element coincides with the element your 9th card has in the beginning of a round. The face of the card and the element stay intact until card is received.
If one had some card in the beginning of a round but that card changed before the round ends the following rules will apply. The face of the card and the element will stay the same (like they were in the beginning of the round) but the power will be recalculated with regard to the new 9th card.

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